sorry I got interrupted there. I agree that Trump's fascism which is structured differently than Hitlers can be lethal and torturous to millions of people such as migrant and asylum seekers and families, protesters and anyone who isn't a Trump supporter and it is known. So sad that we have gotten to this isolationist rascist. bigoted culture with hatred and no fear in using violence

Violence as normality of course is not only a Trump/maga philosophy and practice but also the democrats as we witness in Gaza, Lebanon, a blind eye to Haiti, the Sudan...And all of this going on endlessly as we watch the elements of climate change like a movie. Now I can shift it attention to the #2 world series game. As a loyal Red Sox fan, I am going with the dodgers! Sorry if you're a Yankees fan. I was however hoping the Mets would of made it!

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As a longtime Bay Area resident, the Giants are my team - therefore, baseball's recent glory peaked in 2010 - 12 and 14. Tim Lincecum and Buster Posey have left. Ohtani and Judge are the wonders of the universe. As the world gets worse, athletes get better. BTW - Dodgers seemed poised to go up 2-0, but Yanks have bases loaded and one down in the 9th. Good luck.

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Thank you for your analysis and differentiation of Hitler and Trump re political aims etc. You present a well researched and thoughtful comparison which really shows the differences among these two fascists rascist bigots.

I learned a lot re Hitler's systematic genocide and global conquest aspirations and appreciate your contrast with Trump and magazines. Both are dangerous and deadly as and as you say Trump ia.a carnival barker, part entertainer, part tough guy, a big stupid buffoon.

I have been becoming much more aware and appalled with the democrats who as you say do not care about working poor and poor in general, which of course lends support to Trump. And the whole nostalgic fantasy of the 1950's with white domination,subjectaton of women, Christianity,etc. There is a lot of brainwashing that seems to happen with Trump and Harris but more so with Trump

Trump is a madman but the insidious Republicans of project 25 and billionaires seem to control him as deviously as Trump. And I do think the

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